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November 2017

save business money

2 Ways to Save Money in a Catering Business

By Catering

Staring a catering business has a lot of responsibly. It is critical to think logically through all possible ways to save money wherever you can in the food business. Thinking of high quality is a priority, but also thinking about prices your clients will be able to afford. Here are two ways to save during the process.

save money advice

Monitor Portion Sizes

No matter if you will be offering full service catering to your customers, you must measure each dish to determine the correct balance of portions. Equality is important because each guest should be receiving the same amount of food. If there are a list of high prices meats or seafood, make sure to let the servers do the cutting and let the guests know the price difference.

Invest in a Catering Software

Technology has become the center of the universe, which means it is time to invest in a software for your catering business. Softwares help narrow down each price of every ingredient you choose to purchase. Software features can pay a large number of dividends upon implementation. Another perk is being able to streamline the accounting and operations of the business.

save money suggestions

Start now and plan out ways to start saving money in your catering business. Learn a few more waysto save money in the food business. Check out Apple Spice Catering Menu to learn more about our food and services we offer.

catering themed ideas

2 Ideas For Your Next Catering Event

By Catering, Events

Planning for the one-year annual corporate event is around corner and catering is still waiting to be checked off the list. Here are two ways to get creative during the catering thought process.

Themed Meal

It is worth spicing up the display and creating a theme to go along with the catered food at your event. Create a themed menu or decorate the table a certain way to add some character to the food area. Giving the food table more life will bring more fun and energy to the event making the guests more satisfied.

Healthy Gourmet

It is important to feed your guests, but also to keep them well nourished. Provide a selection of healthy options such as veggies and hummus, mini sandwiches, or fresh spring rolls. It is critical to keep the guests awake and aware during the event. Healthy foods can keep them energized and filled.

catering events for holidays

Start the creative process for your corporate event and get those catering ideas flowing. Prep ahead for the next one and check out Apple Spice Catering here in Ogden.

catering options for work events

3 Convenient Ways To Cater

By Catering

Now of days, people have become pickier and particular with the way they eat. High maintenance requests, food allergies, diet restrictions and more. Keep the guests content and learn some ways to keep the catering simple and easy.

Vegetable Platters

Vegetables are a friendly food in most people’s diet. It is an easy choice to snack on during an event with several options of different veggies and also sauces. Especially if people are health-obsessed, a veggie platter is a way to do it.

Cheese and Crackers

This option is great for the guests to grab a variety of crackers and cheeses to snack on during the event. Can’t go wrong with a delicious cheese platter with some crackers to go along with it.


Soup is a convenient way to serve guests with several options for flavors and recipes. Soup can be filling and add a great start to a dinner or lunch. This keeps the guest tied over to the real deal.

convient ways to cater for events

Catering options are always a plus for events. Offering the guests a good selection that will accommodate to them well will result in a happy crowd served with a delicious variety of foods.  Discover more healthy foods for your upcoming event and order with Apple Spice Catering. Perfect for work and holiday events or parties.

best cookbooks for lunch

The Best Cookbooks to Learn From

By Box Lunch Delivery, Cooking

Cooking and trying new foods create excitement and discovery in the kitchen. Cookbooks are created for people to show off their domestic side and learn about new recipes to prepare at home. Being new to the cooking industry can be overwhelming and leaving you empty-handed with nowhere to begin. This is why helpful guides can come in handy.

cookbook to buy

Listed below are three cookbooks for beginners with over 100 recipes and with high-quality photos with step and step instructions to guide you along the way. Most of the recipes are vegetarian with gluten-free options available. These cookbooks are a handy guide to start you somewhere to begin the cooking journey.

Cooking For Dummies by Bryan Miller and Marie Rama 

These sophisticated techniques and flavors will get you started the right way. These authors are extremely passionate making it more desirable to learn these recipes and to hear their thoughts. This guide is perfect for beginners.

Food Matters By Mark Bittman 

This is a great reference guide for everyday meals. A basic guide to get started with simple meals and understand the beginning stage of cooking.

The Naked Chef by Jami Oliver 

This cookbook is a unique creation made to learn as a beginner the fun way. From fresh food to gourmet meals, this book has it all.

cookbook options

Have you had a busy week and no time for packing lunch? Check out a variety of lunch box options at Apple Spice Catering. For cookbook options, read up to continue the cooking journey!


wedding catering menu

2 Simple Wedding Menu Ideas to Try

By Catering

Wedding planning is just getting started and there are many options to come up with to satisfy the hunger needs of your guests. It is important to think of a pre-meal with a variety of appetizers that will keep the guests patient and gives them something to snack on during the reception. Here a couple of creative menu ideas for the big day.

wedding menu ideas and tips

Popcorn Bar

To keep it casual, give the guests a variety of popcorn flavors so they can enjoy mixing and matching different kinds to keep their stomachs happy and to have a snack throughout the evening. Dress it up with some decorative flower bouquets around the popcorn bar.

wedding reception menu ideas

Chef Food Stations

Come up with a few food stations and watch the professionals prepare fresh ingredients hands-on. Food stations add variety, which guests love, so the guests have options throughout the evening on what they want to eat. Let the chefs take-over and prepare the d’oeuvres!

Food pairing is an important asset for a big wedding event, so make sure to do your research. There are endless options to come up with for wedding appetizers, the goal is to work your creativity. Check out 13 more creative wedding menu ideas for a long list of amazing bites. For catering menu options, check out our Apple Spice menu options, perfect for winter season weddings!

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