Before this pandemic, it is likely you had never heard of social distancing. However, social distancing has become mandatory in many countries around the world, as a result of the Coronavirus. The CDC website opens in a new window defines social distancing as “keeping space between yourself and other people outside of your home.”
Covid-19 social distancing requirements have caused most “non-essential” businesses to shut their doors. Also, in most places restrictions require citizens to stay home except for essential tasks.
The Coronavirus is taking a toll on both the physical and mental health of the world. Being locked indoors has society slowly losing their minds. With no real end to these quarantines in sight, it is imperative that we do something more than sit on the couch and watch Netflix. Harvard Health published a letter opens in a new window describing a few of the many benefits of getting some fresh air. Here are some ideas that will help you to follow Harvard’s recommendation to get outside, and to help you stay sane while living through this pandemic.
Go for a run or walk
It is possible to practice social distancing while still getting out of the house. One of the best ways to soak up some Vitamin D is to go for a short run or walk in your neighborhood. Of course, you need to remember to keep your distance if you see someone while you’re out. This will give you a chance to leave your stuffy house, without putting others at risk.
Order delivery
If you can’t get out, may as well embrace staying in. Plan a picnic with those you live with in your own yard. It is as easy as ordering some delivery from a service such as Apple Spice opens in a new window, and finding an old quilt to spread on the lawn.
Not one that enjoys the outdoors? Plan a romantic date night. Order some delivery opens in a new window, light a candle, and enjoy a romantic evening with your roommate.
Wash your car
Pull your car into the driveway and give it a wash! Ordinarily, it is hard to find time to take care of our cars. But since you are stuck at home there is no better opportunity than now to give your car a thorough detailing.
Although it is important to keep social distancing until the restrictions are revoked, that doesn’t mean you have to sit inside watching movies all day. Use some of these ideas to get started, but don’t stop there. Get creative and find other ways to keep mixing it up through this Pandemic!